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Whiz - Paphos - Airport

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Meet and greet

Existing reservations only:
Book online here for lowest rates: Online reservations only

The best answer:
Answered on: Jun 13, 2018

Clients asked:

Client said:
Can you advise if whiz car rentals are located at the airport?

Support said:
On the second page ( results) where you see the photos of the available cars, to the left hand side is a menu here you can see & filter the results... based upon the location of the supplier.

Support said:
you can also see which suppliers are available based on your search results/filters. In the case of WHIZ they offer a MEET & GREET service.

Client said:
Is this a coach?

Support said:
No, someone will be holding a board with your name on it..

Support said:
make sure you include your flight number when making the reservation online

Support said:
or chose a supplier at the airport
