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Thairentacar - Chiang Rai - Airport

Directions to desk
Desk in Terminal, Arrival Hall 1st Floor

Existing reservations only:
+6653793393 (not for reservations)
Book online here for lowest rates: Bookings online ONLY

The best answer:
Answered on: Nov 13, 2020

Clients asked:

Client said:
are all the car rental shops in Chiang Rai airport closed? I cannot get a quotation for any of them for 20-29 Nov. Kim kjderidder@gmail.com

Support said:
Let me look. Seems so...

Support said:
Sometimes more cars are added. I'll keep trying and if something comes up, Ill email you a quotation

Client said:
I don't believe these shops are sold out because its not a Thai holiday and there's no reason there would be alot of demand that week

Support said:
Well that's a reasonable assumption, apart from:- Covid has changed many things. Fleets have been dramatically reduced etc.. 😷

Support said:
I will keep searching and email you if I get some new availability. I have the dates you require. Thank you and stay safe
