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Sixt - Sydney - Domain Car Park

Directions to desk
Your way to SIXTSIXT is located at the Domain Wilson car park on Ground Level with the entrance facing out to the main Road Sir John Young Crescent. This location is across the former Sydney Eye Hospital, which is now the Elephant Backpacker Hotel. By carSIXT is located next to the large Wilson car park on Sir John Young Crescent. Follow the signs to the Domain which is on the eastern side of the Sydney CBD. With public transportationThere are local bus routes within walking distance from our branch. The closest train station is St James which is less then 5 minutes walk. The nearest ferry wharf is about 20 minutes away. There is also room for taxis to drop off. SIXT parkingOur SIXT parking is located directly behind the office in signed and numbered bays. You are provided with 1 parking exit ticket when leaving the car park. Return informationYou can return your SIXT vehicles directly in front of the branch and hand keys to SIXT staff. If you are entering from the top of the car park (St Marys road) you must drive to the ground floor to park in our signed and numbered parking bays, then proceed to hand in the keys to the branch.

Existing reservations only:
