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Rhodium - Alicante

Directions to desk
The Rhodium desk is located in the Goldcar office.Watch this video for directions to desk: Spanish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syzQZSSZy0E&feature=youtu.be English: http://youtu.be/btOm-W76mZoThe customers have to leave the station and on the left they have to go to the nearest traffic light. They have to cross the road and continue straight on to the Avenida de la EstaciĆ³n, In our office, the customers will receive a ticket to collect the car from the subterranean car park (floor -1) situated in front of our GOLDCAR office (Avenida de la EstaciĆ³n).

Existing reservations only:
+34 965 233 425 / +34 965 293 100
