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Rentalcar - Berlin - City Centre

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The best answer:
Updated on: Sep 24, 2018

Clients asked:

Client said:
Hi, I would like to book a car from Berlin today if there are any available

Support said:
Please use the website. A credit card is required to book and to let hold the deposit when you pick up your rental car. If no car photos are displayed, then adjust your time at least one hour from now as not all locations are open weekends or out of normal business hours.

Client said:
Thanks Vanessa. It doesn’t seem to be working

Support said:
One moment let me check. For how many days? FYI: it´s always better to use anything other than a mobile for searches like this i.e. City Center. As the website will then show you a map of Berlin and all the locations.

Client said:
Until 23rd.

Support said:
You want to book the cheapest / smallest car?

Client said:
Yes, we just need 4 seater with room for a bit of luggage

Support said:
OK I will email you now a typical quote for a VW polo but if you click on the link contained within the email you can amend/sort to you own requirement.

Support said:
BUT: the reason you didnt see any cars is:- you have to put a return date of Monday. Although you can return the car on Sunday using the key-drop box.
