Travel restrictions
Cross-border travel is not allowed. If you are interested for an international travel, please send your request at least 7
days prior to collecting the car. The cost for the Green Card that extends the CDW to other countries is 120 Euros
(VAT excluded) for groups A, B, C or D.
TW (Theft Waiver) is not included for cross border and the company is not responsible to replace the car in case of an
accident. The rental company is not responsible for towing and replacement car outside the borders of Greece. The
customer is obliged to return the car in the location at date and time according the rental agreement.
Cross border without notice and written permission by Green Motion is forbidden and then the insurance deemed
void. Furthermore International travel is forbidden without Green Card. If Green Card is lost, the customer is obliged
to contact with the local office immediately.
Additional restrictions may apply for certain countries.