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Directrentacar - Bucharest - Airport Otopeni

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The best answer:
Answered on: Sep 5, 2017

Clients asked:

Client said:
Some have to pay if I want an extra GPS in the carAnd some credit card frame should be on the cardAnd how much is full insurance

Support said:
most if not all the information you seek is on the website.

Support said:
At STEP3 of the online booking process (this is after you have made your vehicle choice) Towards the bottom of the page, you will see a section called EXTRAS. Here you can reserve extras such as baby seats, GPS or add Additional Drivers. The price of the extras are displayed but these are paid for on arrival, at the desk. Certain car models do not display all of the extra options, so experiment by choosing a different car model if the extra you require is not offered. Finally, at STEP2, where the list of cars photos are displayed, look out for any offer icons, as often GPS or Additional Drivers are offered free.

Support said:
At STEP3 during the online booking process after choosing your car model. Subject to your country of residence you may be offered extra comprehensive insurance with our insurance partner AXA. This is the most comprehensive and cost effective insurance available. However you will also be offered extra insurance at the desk on arrival. To view these options, next to the car photo of your choice is a link entitled TERMS & CONDITIONS. Click on this and then on INSURANCE and it will display the options of that particular supplier. Try a few different suppliers as they do vary widely. If you purchase our online insurance with AXA, print the policy that will be emailed to you and take it with you. You do not need any other insurance.

Support said:
Some companies ask for a very high security deposit, which is held against the credit card until the car is returned. They do this, so you will be persuaded to take out the extra insurance at the desk to reduce the deposit. It is normal for a deposit of around 300€ At STEP2 of our online booking process, click on a few different suppliers as they all offer different amounts of deposit. Next to each car photo is a link entitled TERMS & CONDITIONS , click on this and then on DEPOSIT, to view the size of deposit. For example, CENTAURO 1050€, INTERRENT 300€, RECORD 950€, NIZA 1110€, FIREFLY 1110€ I hope this information is helpful.
