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The best answer:
Answered on: Oct 3, 2017

Clients asked:

Client said:
Can I make a reservation for a car on the 8th October after 11:00 pm? My colleagues arrive at Nuremberg at 22:45 so they can not pick the car up before 23:00. I can see well you work until 23:30. Could you please tell me if this is ok so I can make the reservation?

Support said:
Please use the website. Type locations, dates and times on the search engine. Once you have done this, if the system shows you cars, it is because the suppliers offices are open at the times you selected.

Support said:
When making the reservation, do not forget to add the flight number to the details so the supplier will be aware of your colleagues arrival time.

Client said:
Thank you bringing that out, it is a great option.
