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The best answer:
Answered on: Oct 10, 2017

Clients asked:

Client said:
does the premium cover excuses me from any liability?

Support said:
At STEP3 during the online booking process after choosing your car model, subject to your country of residence you may be offered extra comprehensive insurance with our insurance partner AXA. This is the most comprehensive and cost effective insurance available. However you will also be offered extra insurance at the desk on arrival. To view these options, next to the car photo of your choice is a link entitled TERMS & CONDITIONS. Click on this and then on INSURANCE and it will display the options of that particular supplier. Try a few different suppliers as they do vary widely. If you purchase our online insurance with AXA, print the policy that will be emailed to you and take it with you. You do not need any other insurance.

Support said:
This extra insurance covers you for most if not all excess that the supplier may charge..

Client said:
so i pay extra but still i am responsible for excess?

Support said:
you would not be responsible for any excess as most if not all suppliers excesses are under 3,000 €

Support said:
This is the most comprehensive and cost effective insurance available.
