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Alamo - Cagliari - Airport

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The best answer:
Answered on: Jul 30, 2017

Clients asked:

Client said:
Hi can you guarantee a child seat (2 years baby) for rent between 11 and 24 august ?

Support said:
At STEP3 of the online booking process (this is after you have made your vehicle choice) Towards the bottom of the page, you will see a section called EXTRAS. Here you can reserve extras such as baby seats, GPS or add Additional Drivers. The price of the extras are displayed but these are paid for on arrival, at the desk. Certain car models do not display all of the extra options, so experiment by choosing a different car model if the extra you require is not offered. Finally, at STEP2, where the list of cars photos are displayed, look out for any offer icons, as often GPS or Additional Drivers are offered free.
